A Few Happy Thoughts
6:41 PM
Yesterday I had the opportunity to watch a conference put on by my church directed toward women. It was so inspiring, empowering and uplifting. I always come away from watching or doing positive things with such a positive outlook and desire to be better.
I just wanted to share a few happy thoughts with all of you from the conference that I loved.
To paraphrase something that was said during the conference, one of the greatest ways that we can show charity to others is by withholding judgement. I love this. I think as humans we have the natural tendency to judge others. We judge people the second we meet them. But to truly love someone and show them charity is to not judge them and we can do this by changing our thoughts and words about others.
Another thing I learned going along with the previous one was that to better understand others we must recognize that we ourselves have imperfections. I think that this shows humility. I think that our purpose on earth is to progress continually and become better people. To be able to do that, we must recognize that we have imperfections. That doesn't mean picking yourself apart constantly. That means being willing to learn and to change. If we are able to do that, I think we will understand that other people are just like us in that they have their own imperfections, allowing us to better understand them and love them.
Lastly, I learned something that has been a reassured truth to me over and over again throughout my life. And that is that each of us have a purpose in life. We each have potential, we each are unique and we have a calling in life. If we quit turning to outside sources and turn to the one who truly can help us-- our Father in Heaven or God-- we can know what that purpose is and be directed each day for a greater purpose. One of my favorite quotes from the conference was, "The purpose of faith is not to change God's will but to empower us to act on God's will".
I hope you all feel some hope and light in your lives today and can think of something you can do today to be better. :)
Thanks for reading! Keep on keepin' on!
Diaries of a Sweaty Girl