4 Ways to Have a Better Day Today

8:44 AM

So recently we moved to Indiana while my husband pursues his dream in dental school and I am so, so proud of him! However, sometimes it's hard because my day-to-day life is determined by me. 

Let me explain. I work from home and have a dog that I love, but being in a new place and staying at home the majority of the time, I have to really determine how my day is going to go. I have had hard days when I am not in the best mood, but I have found that when I do these four things that I am automatically put in a better mood for the day. 

1. Exercise
Now I know what you may be thinking: everyone talks about exercise. But it doesn't have to be hard core-- just getting out and walking. I like to take my dog for a walk because I feel like I'm getting out of the house, taking in the weather and becoming healthier. If someone could sell exercise in a pill, they would be rich because exercise has so many positive outcomes. It releases endorphins that make you feel happier and lifts depression, it calms anxious nerves, it clears one's mind and it makes you look better as well which boosts your confidence. So get out and boost your mood!

2. Create a "Happy" Playlist
I have made a "happy" playlist on my Spotify and it's crazy what it can do for your mood! Anytime that I'm recognizing I'm feeling down, I put that playlist on with a bunch of feel-good songs and it automatically boosts my spirit! 

3. Focus on ONE thing you want to get done that day
I used to overwhelm myself with big lists that I needed to get done everyday. I would wake up and be completely anxious with everything I had to do. I started choosing just one project a day I was going to focus on instead of the list of things that I knew I needed to get done throughout the week. Just think of the biggest thing you need to get done today. The other day for me it was laundry. I had put it off for days and it had piled up. So I said, "Today that is what I am going to get done." The motivation to do other things will follow but it will give you such a sense of accomplishment for what you have done instead of focusing on the million other things you didn't get to. 

4. Gratitude Journal
This one is easy! I started a gratitude journal a few years ago and it has changed my days completely! Even if I had a rough day, at the end of the day I write down 5 good things that happened that day. Sometimes they're as simple as, "I got the laundry done today". This will quickly help you realize truly how good life is. 

Now go out and have a better day!!!
Hope these help!! What are some things you do to have a better day?



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