As you guys know, I was supposed to have the ETS Surgery to remove the sweating of my hands and hopefully help the sweating on my feet this past summer. However, the surgery was unexpectedly cancelled because of my insurance, which as some suffering for hyperhidrosis may know was devastating for me, especially because insurance classified the surgery as "cosmetic" surgery, which for those suffering from this know it most definitely is not. It is something I have been dealing with my whole life.
My uncle is a surgeon that deals with sweat glands, and knowing my disappointment and frustration offered to remove my arm pit sweat glands. It was a simple, easy surgery and recovery was quick!
Although the surgery reduced my under arm sweating, I still sweat dramatically at my arm pits. He told me about this new, exciting technology called "miraDry". I think the best part about miraDry is that it is not surgery!
"The miraDry procedure is safe and clinically proven to provide a significant reduction of underarm sweat." -- miraDry
He is opening up a clinic in Arizona in February, so hopefully I can make it down and try out this new treatment. I will let you know how it goes!
For the meantime, check out the website!!